Darkest Hour - Anna Marie May 4 Hearts

Review written for MM Good Book Reviews


Leif has returned to his childhood town to help his best friend Sara out, but facing the past is harder than he thought. Leif discovers that Sara’s problems come from the same place as his new ones, and he also discovers that he has an extended family he never knew about, added to all that is his dead sister’s boyfriend Mark who is still hostile. Now Leif has some choices to make, does he step out of his hidden life and accept what life wants to offer him, or does in stay hidden in the shadows believing that’s all he deserves.

This is a really good story that has mystery, suspense and some great characters. Leif fled from the town where he grew up after his family died in a fire that he was blamed for, now for his best friend he will return, and he seems to attract trouble at every turn. Leif’s story is slightly troubled, he lost his family at nineteen, everyone believes it’s his fault, someone is trying to make him sell his land and his extended family seems shady, on top of all this he has a lust/hate relationship going on with Mark and Leif makes a decision about his professional life.

Leif is a character that I really liked, even as you discover more about him you realise he is a genuinely nice guy, he is unassuming and is genuinely clueless as to his fame. Mark is a character that you really don’t get a clue about, we have scenes with him where he isn’t likeable but then other scenes where he seems like a nice guy, we don’t get a grip on him as this story is more about Leif and the challenges he has been through and the choices he now has to make. The supporting characters are good and the storyline is brilliant, it really keeps you reading as you want to know just what is causing Sara’s problems, who is trying to get Leif to sell, just who is L.M.M. and what is really happening between Leif and Mark.

Mark and Leif’s ‘relationship’ is a lot more complex than it first looks, and I have to admire an author that brings to the fore a difficult relationship… having the characters face the reality that things would have been different if Leif’s sister hadn’t died, and also having both Leif and Mark discussing just why Mark is interested in Leif and the doubts that Leif has, the storyline was very well written and I liked the fact that it wasn’t the sole focus. I also really liked that there’s no declaring undying love, it’s a very tentative relationship that is driven by attraction but don’t be expecting hot sex on every page.

I have to recommend this story to those who love mystery, suspense, danger, hidden surprises, some hot sex and a relationship that has promise.