The Solstice Gift - Cari Z. 3 1/2 Hearts

Review written for MM Good Book Reviews

Before we go any further I just need to do this… ‘aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh’ okay that’s out of my system. Dis was stolen from the human world many years before, he is the only human of recent years to reach adulthood and it is far from an easy life, the only bright spot in the dreary winter court is the fairy lord Marten but even he can’t keep him safe. The Hunt brings Dis to the attention of Oberon; Marten’s sister, Sable, is not impressed and Dis finds himself in danger on many levels.

This is a brilliant cruel stark story of the court of Oberon. Dis has had a cruel hard life living in the winter court, he has no way out and his only glimmer of warmth in the cold world comes from Marten a fairy lord, snatching moments with the Fae when Marten can sneak him away. Dis has attention drawn to himself during the Hunt and is given a special task by Oberon himself.

This story is brilliant; I loved the stark descriptions and the bleak outlook with there being only one bright spot in an otherwise dark life. It is a life without any hope except death but the secret love that Dis has keeps him going but they have to keep it hidden because he is a changeling, and also because of the cruelness of Marten’s sister Sable. The relationship between Marten and Dis is very secret and we see how much they care for one another without either of them giving the other away, the sex is hot between them and they genuinely love each other but the parting is bittersweet.

There is much of this story that pulls you in and I will be honest the ending had me growling in frustration and spitting feathers, I nearly gave this book 2 Hearts because it ended so abruptly but I have since calmed down enough to give it a reasonable rating based on the storyline. There has to be a sequel in the pipeline for this book *on knees begging* because I need to know what happens next pppllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee.

I will recommend this to those who love Fae, finding love in a bleak harsh landscapes, a hard unfair life and a very bittersweet ending.